Ausstellungen der LG Nord-Ost

Liebe Aussteller und Gäste,

die Landesgruppe Nord-Ost lädt Sie auch in diesem Jahr ganz herzlich zu unserer Ausstellung in Blumenow ein. Wir hoffen auf bestes Ausstellungswetter und viele Collies.
Für das leibliche Wohl wird wieder bestens gesorgt.

Meldeschluss ist der 23.6.2024

Meldung unter:
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Einlass 8.00 Uhr
Beginn des Richtens 10.00 Uhr

Bredereicher Str. 1
16798 Blumenow

Meldegebühren jeder Hund
Veteranen-, Baby- und Jüngstenklasse 20,- €
Jugend-, Zwischen-, Champion- und Offene Klasse 35,- €
Kind und Hund 5,- €
Verhaltensbeurteilung 10,- €

Meldegebühren überweisen Sie bitte auf folgendes Konto: 
Deutscher Collie Club e.V. /LG Nord/Ost
Sparkasse Gießen
DE36 5135 0025 0205 0697 03

Hunde dürfen das Ausstellungsgelände nur mit einer gültigen Tollwutschutzimpfung betreten!

Als Richterin konnten wir Frau Lenka Petráškova gewinnen und freuen uns, sie hier begrüßen zu dürfen. Nachfolgend ein paar Worte zur Person:

“Even as a small kid I had a strong bond with animals and nature as such and was driving my parents constantly mad by bringing home any snail or insect I met on my way home from school. When I got older, I managed my parents to get me some parrakeets, hamster, guinea pig, some cats and later on, of course, a dog.
Since that time dogs stand on my side almost all my life. And so I had one by one a mixed daschund, and a mixed cocker spaniel and a mixed lab and of course also a mixed dog of looks that couldn´t be defined as a breed at all. All of them were my faithful friends and I was more and more sure, that one day, when I am all grown up, I will have a house and a huge pack of dogs in it.
Fortunately my husband not only wasn´t scared of this dream, but he bravely supported it and so my kennel name Ever After was born in 2007.

Since that time kind and majestic collies accompany me in my life. 
Although many champions on national and international level were born in my kennel during the time of its existence, amongst them I value the most placements and winning of our homebred collies in strong competition from many european kennels at club show in Great Britain, second place at Crufts and second place in highly prestigious ENE France club show. Our dogs and their offspring are successfully used both in breeding and showing not only in Czech and Slovak Republic, but also in Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Russia, France, Belgium, Sweden, Great Britain and other countries. 
Some of our homebred collies are successfull representatives of the breed in obedience and heelwork and are reaching for the top levels. Others are doing herding tests, work as therapy dogs and also compete in agility.
I would like to thank the Deutscher Collie Club for the chance to be a judge at the SRA show, wishing to all a pleasant day spent in the company of friends and beautiful collies and remember that at the end of the day you all take the best dog home.”  Lenka Petráškova


Unter folgendem Links die Ergebnisse vergangener SRA´s in Blumenow

Ergebnisse Blumenow 2023 (Richterin: Fr. P. Tietze)

Ergebnisse Blumenow 2022 (Richterin: Fr. K. Nölke)